Gage Christine Bock, MA, PCC, CPCC

Photo: Good Human Photography

Hi, I’m Gage.

I am: A woman. A truth-teller. A professional coach. A soul-centered guide. An artist of life and of consciousness. A lover of nature, learning, growth, dreams, and seeing what’s possible.

What I value most in life is courage, growth, authenticity, humor, creativity, and this truly magnificent planet we get to call home.


My path to where I am today has been a long and winding one - not at all clear cut or straight (as I used to think it was supposed to be).

Today, what I know about living a life that’s true to oneself is that it’s much more like this:

the creative path

a scribbly, messy, perfectly imperfect trail that wanders here and there, to and fro, over all kinds of terrain. It’s a path full of many more questions than answers, abundant confusion, glorious successes, and sometimes painful failures. It’s full of countless moments of losing the trail, and slowly but surely, finding it once again.


During those moments when confusion has reigned in my own life, this quote by the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke has often helped to ease my impatient mind:

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

Live the questions now… Rilke’s words to a young poet, while wholly unsatisfying to my ego (that driven part that always wants me to DO something), have served as a quiet, persistent reminder that the path - even if I cannot see it - is always emerging, and my job is to ‘live everything’ to the best of my ability in each and every moment.


The reason I’m a coach today is because I feel it’s part of purpose to help people get back to the truth of who they are, and live that into the world. I believe that, as Frederick Buechner said, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Said another way, that which we most long for is what the world actually longs for from us as well.

Another reason I do what I do is because it’s a kind of giving back. I know for a fact that I wouldn’t be where I am today were it not for all the coaches, mentors, teachers, elders, and guides who have shared their love, guidance, and fierce compassion with me along the way. These generous humans have not only helped me to embody my own gifts more fully, they’ve also served as inspirational examples of what’s possible in this world. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

~ Gage

What I believe

I believe in Soul - that deeply personal, unique, generative, and creative genius that lives within each one of us.

I believe that this particular genius - or, as Michael Meade puts it, “…the spirit that’s already there….the inner muse, the divine twin, the resident spirit of the Soul present in each person, that involves our own unique way of seeing life...” - is where our real work in life lies. I believe that our true work is to find, embody, and inhabit that genius as fully as possible.

Another way to say it: I believe that we’re each here to express and give our true gifts; to move into full maturity and share our gifts with the world.

Furthermore, I believe that the Earth itself needs us to give these gifts, in order for the entire ecosystem to truly thrive.

To quote Angeles Arrien in “The Second Half of Life”,

“Where we don’t bring our gifts and talents to the world is where the Earth becomes sicker. It’s important for us to bring our medicine to the sweet face of Mother Nature, to bring our gifts and talents into the world, and to begin to drop our shrouds of insufficiency.”

I believe that when we are feeling confused or unclear about our direction in life that we have actually come to a very potent place: we have come to the end of a known road and to the beginning of a path filled with possibility. At such a juncture, we have the potential to experience life, and ourselves, in a completely different way. As Wendell Berry said, “…when we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work….”

I believe that imagination is one of the most potent, important, and powerful resources we have as humans. I believe we are here to use our imagination in service to Life, and that our dreams are exactly what the world needs now.

I believe that there is no time to waste. Now is the time to listen to that still, small voice within and to make visible that which you feel in your heart and see in your soul.