Tuesday, May 21 - Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 4pm-5:30pm PT



“In Western culture, we’ve enclosed ourselves within continually mended fences of excessive safety, false security, and shallow notions of “happiness,” when all the while the world has been inviting us to stride through the unlocked gate and break free into realms of greater promise and possibilities. Our human psyches possess, as capacities, a variety of astonishing resources about which mainstream Western psychology has little to say. By uncovering and reclaiming these innate resources, shared by all of us by simple virtue of our human nature, we can more easily understand and resolve our intrapsychic and interpersonal difficulties as they arise.” ~ Bill Plotkin

Excerpted from the book Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche by Bill Plotkin. Published by New World Library, 2013 www.newworldlibrary.com.


Wild Wholeness I is a class series based on Animas Valley’s/ Bill Plotkin's Nature Based Map of the Human Psyche. This map elucidates the four 'facets' of wholeness innate to every human, as well as the four 'sub personalities' - those inner protective parts we all have, which include their survival strategies from childhood.

In Wild Wholeness I, we will explore and get to know our four facets of wholeness in depth:

• Nurturing Generative Adult (North)

• Innocent/Sage (East)

• Wild Indigenous One (South)

• Dark Muse Beloved (West)


The class is designed to help you cultivate greater access to, understanding of, and embodiment of each facet of wholeness within you. During our time together, there will be readings, discussions, and activities for both inner and outer exploration of each facet.

Week 1: Welcome + Introduction to the North / Nurturing Generative Adult

Week 2: Embodying the South / Wild Indigenous One

Week 3: Discovering the East/ Innocent-Sage

Week 4: Delving into the West / Dark Muse Beloved

Week 5: Review, Practice and Integration

Week 6: Introduction to the Sub-Personalities (and how to Self Heal using our wholeness)


During the class, you’ll also have the opportunity to create your own Wild Mind Mandala: a visual / creative representation of each one of your facets of wholeness. This mandala is yours to keep after the class ends: a living art piece to play around with, arrange, add to, and fully make your own as you continue to cultivate and embody each dimension of your wholeness.


  • Greater understanding of, access to, and embodiment of your innate facets of wholeness.

  • Group discussions and exercises to help you more fully cultivate your wholeness.

  • Weekly nature-based practices to do on the land.

  • Your own visual mandala of wholeness to keep.

  • Being in a community of wild-hearted, deep-diving souls who are interested in Self healing and Wholing, as well as the larger journey of Soul Initiation.


When: Tuesday, May 21 - Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 4pm-5:30pm PT

Where: Zoom

Cost: $295

To register, or with questions, email me at gagebock@gmail.com.


"Our human psyches possess astonishing resources that wait within us, but we might not even know they exist until we discover how to access them and cultivate their powers, their untapped potentials and depths. Wild Mind identifies these resources — which Bill Plotkin calls the four facets of the Self, or the four dimensions of our innate human wholeness — and also the four sets of fragmented or wounded subpersonalities that form during childhood. Rather than proposing ways to eliminate our subpersonalities (which is not possible) or to beat them into submission, Plotkin describes how to cultivate the four facets of the Self and discover the gifts of our subpersonalities. The key to reclaiming our original wholeness is not merely to suppress psychological symptoms, recover from addictions and trauma, or manage stress but rather to fully embody our multifaceted wild minds, commit ourselves to the largest, soul-infused story we’re capable of living, and serve the greater Earth community."

- from the back of the book "Wild Mind" by Bill Plotkin